I try to learn something new
about myself everyday. Occasionally I manage to remember the lesson, and often
I even delight in it.
That said, I have a
confession or two to share since we’re getting acquainted on this first post of
mine: I’m the girl who has resisted Facebook since its inception, used to think
texting was an overly abrupt form of communication, prefers beautiful stacks of
glossy magazines, newspapers and cloth-bound books to a computer screen, favors a handwritten note over an email, can’t
bring herself to go entirely wireless with her Netflix subscription, and only
recently (and very, very reluctantly) upgraded a six year-old chipped pink flip
phone and an eight year-old desktop computer. And then I found this little
thing called the blogosphere.
In other words, I’m
admittedly a little late to the party.
While we’re in full disclosure mode, I’ll also let you know that
I adore compiling tear sheets and wish lists, tracking retail sales as a means
of internally justifying major splurges, obsessing over every last detail of a road
trip months before it happens to ensure that every local specialty has been
sampled, thinking about themed fetes that I’d love to throw, and day-dreaming about
the exciting things taking place in the world outside of the cubicle where I
sit for 8 hours each day.
So naturally, I did what any technology-challenged 31 year-old who is
interested in joining the amazing blogger community and personally chronicling
life on the outskirts of a big city would do. I collected stacks of how-to
books on blogging, pored through countless websites in search of tips to
perfect my digital SLR skills, and started mentally piecing together the dream
desk space that I could put together to inspire my creative endeavor.
And when a few weeks had gone by and friends started to ask me
about the blog that I hadn’t yet started, I remembered something that my dad
said to me when I had the chance to renovate and redecorate my room in the
eighth grade—“You’re too worried about the paint color for a wall that doesn’t
even exist yet.”
So I put down the self-help manuals, cracked open my new Mac
(yet another thing to figure out), and realized that this blog should be, and
will be, a work in progress. Consider this post the construction of the first wall in what I hope
will one day be a truly magnificent sandcastle. Now, it’s time
to have some fun and look at color swatches….
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It's only fitting that we celebrate Day 1 with a sandcastle cake, no? |