April 30, 2012

IKEA Vortex

Our weekend started out innocently enough with an early morning trip to IKEA. In order to avoid any 30 Rock-esque mishaps, we fueled up at a little Greek restaurant on the way.  The combination of sugar and caffeine must have done the trick because we had one of the most successful (and affordable) shopping experiences ever. Two birch Kilbys, a Vika Adils and a cute little Rens later, we had the makings for a renovation that proceeded to take over the entirety of Saturday and Sunday.  Don’t you love when building bookcases turns into cleaning out a closet, reorganizing seven years worth of paperwork and hand-cutting mats for art that you’ve been meaning to frame since you moved in three years ago?  

Deciding if we should take our chances and not anchor the $25 bookcases into the rental condo wall
The answer to the desk dilemma: a very utilitarian $20 piece of wood on $3 legs that will do the trick until I quit being so indecisive
The beginnings of a Geographer's dream library
Fresh mint from a friend's yard and the makings for a mojito at the end of a labor-intensive weekend

April 27, 2012

Sky's the Limit

Today marks the one-month anniversary of sandcastle, an achievement certainly worthy of celebration! I started this blog for many reasons: to push myself to learn new skills, to remember what it feels like to think creatively from time to time, to advance my almost nonexistent technological skills, to show far-flung family and friends what I’m up to, and perhaps most importantly, to create a journal of sorts that I could refer back to and remember things that made me happy, things that made me think, and things that defined a certain period of my life.

In the very short time that I’ve been at this little project, I’ve realized how diverse my interests are (and how many people share them), how many things I still don’t know (and, after being the only one under the age of 60 at a recent Mac class at an Apple store, how many things I already know), how pleased (and at times, incredibly anxious) I can become by putting my thoughts on the web, and sadly, how little free time I have to myself after a full work week (and how important balance is for maintaining my sanity). More than ever, I’m excited to build this sandy little site and look to the horizon to see where it takes me. Thanks for stopping by to monitor my progress!

April 25, 2012

Whirlwind Weekend

I recently had the pleasure of showing my boyfriend’s parents around my hometown and, in typical fashion, I couldn’t resist the opportunity to indulge in a few local favorites like thisthis, and this. While we were out and about, we managed to squeeze in a Queen City Underground Tour, during which I marveled at the state of things down on (and under) Vine Street these days.  

April 24, 2012

Piece of Cake

Lemon Daffodil Torte from a sweet Cincinnati institution
It was one of those family-packed and sugar-fueled weekends when you spend more time socializing than taking beautifully composed photos. Thus, I don’t have a single acceptable image of the pink, yellow, orange, and white polka dot bedecked tables at the birthday brunch that we hosted for my Mom. Regardless, I can tell you that these table confetti party favors were a huge hit, the cellophane-wrapped 6 and 0 sugar cookies and fresh flowers in mini glass vases on each of the tables were a nice touch, the never-ending buffet was incredible, and I won’t soon forget the look of shock on my Mom’s face as she came into the room and was greeted with a collective shout of “Surprise!” The icing on the weekend was the dessert, slivers of which I slowed down long enough to capture on my cell phone camera.
My first attempt at Creme Brûlée, and a chance to use my new kitchen torch
Paper birthday cake centerpieces waiting to be adorned with straw candles

April 20, 2012

Big Birthday

Hip Hip Hooray! Today is my Mom’s 60th birthday! In honor of this momentous milestone, we will be heading home to Cincinnati for a few days to celebrate old age. The weekend will be filled with fun festivities, and I look forward to capturing everything on my camera and sharing it next week. Until then…