April 9, 2012

Easter Eggs-travaganza

Enjoying a seasonal favorite accented by the perfect color, Essie’s Nice is Nice

The weekend went by in a blur, and not just because we squeezed in so many Easter-themed events.  As a regular reader of the photography tips on this fantastic blog, I’ve been looking forward to getting a new lens so that I can achieve the background-blur bokeh effect in my photographs. Since I received the new equipment on Friday afternoon, I’ve been more than happy to experiment with it by documenting all of our fun holiday adventures.

Letting the cool breeze mingle with a Spring-scented candle that I hid away at the end of last summer

Finding our last-minute handiwork fun, but a tad less than eggs-ceptional

Instead of hunting for eggs, sandcastle-scouting on the shores of Lake Michigan

Putting some of my latest craft purchases to work; Inside reads "Have a Tweet Easter!"


  1. Really enjoyed the card. I thought it was purchased.

  2. Yes, loved the card! Made my Easter!
