I think I may be falling victim to the fashion-forward collar craze. It kind of makes you wonder how we’ve been settling for boring old necklaces this long, doesn't it?
Because necklaces, unlike fake collars, do not suggest to the casual observer that you are either: a) a member of an exotic dance troupe or b) a priest; both of which are probably accompanied by a healthy and well-deserved stigma (or stigmata, in rare cases). Actually, strippers that dressed as priests for their cover would be hilarious. They could call them selves Collars and Cuffs.
Because necklaces, unlike fake collars, do not suggest to the casual observer that you are either: a) a member of an exotic dance troupe or b) a priest; both of which are probably accompanied by a healthy and well-deserved stigma (or stigmata, in rare cases). Actually, strippers that dressed as priests for their cover would be hilarious. They could call them selves Collars and Cuffs.