August 23, 2013


Our first pints, set against a backdrop of live music and trad dancing

Within moments of landing at the Shannon airport, it was evident that many of the Irish stereotypes are true. From what we could tell, these were some of the most lively, friendly people that we came across during our travels, and Ireland itself is like one big, lush, cow-studded garden. It wasn’t long before we were swept up in a conversation with a local about JFK over a huge plate of fish and chips and a pint of Guinness.
My sister’s Irish friend later joined us for a road trip to the Cliffs of Moher, and then we drove from our base in Galway over to Dublin, where we wrapped up the last few days of our trip wandering around, sampling a few Anthony Bourdain-approved restaurants, and visiting a few of the farther flung spiritual sites like Glendalough and the Newgrange.

Peeking over the Cliffs of Moher
Cliffside cows
6,000 year old portal tomb in the Burren 
Kevin's Tower in lovely Glendalough
 The start to a noteworthy meal at Chophouse 
A deeply intense and eye-opening morning tour of the Boyne Valley
Well manicured gardens and puffy clouds in St. Stephen's Green
The act of getting here was a loooooong and memorable story


  1. Amazing photos of your travels this week. Thanks for sharing!

  2. There are many routes to Kavanagh's, but the straightest is not the shortest (according to the locals, who don't subscribe to geometry). Cilantro!
